Tuesday 30 June 2015

Foods for Healthy Skin

The skin is the window to the entire body,” says dermatologist Joely Kaufman-Janette, MD, assistant professor and director of the Aging and Geriatric Skin Center at the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine. “Part of choosing a diet for good looking skin is just eating to keep yourself healthy because your health is reflected through your skin.” Many of the nutrients and “good” fats we eat as part of a healthy diet enhance the skin’s elasticity and help create the appealing glow of healthy skin. Eat well and avoid foods high in saturated fat, says Dr. Kaufman-Janette, and you’ll see how it can result in good skin.

Tropical Fruit
Eating guava, pineapple, papaya, kiwi, and other tropical fruits that contain vitamin C will help defend your skin against damaging free radicals. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that is naturally found in the skin, so eating tropical fruits and other vitamin C–rich foods can replenish your skin's stores. Vitamin C also helps your body produce collagen, a protein that helps keep your skin firm and elastic.

Blueberries Fight Aging Skin

Antioxidants help fight the signs of aging skin, and blueberries are a great source. Rich in vitamin C, blueberries can play a healthy role in an otherwise decadent dessert and taste great as a cereal topping and tossed into salads. Other sources of antioxidants that you can include in your healthy diet are red wine and dark chocolate. Kaufman-Janette also offers this tip: Eating fruits and veggies in their fresh, raw form provides more antioxidants than when cooked

This cruciferous veggie is high in antioxidants, including vitamins C and E. The vitamin C in broccoli aids in collagen production and keeps your skin healthy and supple, while vitamin E protects your skin cell membranes and guards against UV radiation damage

Fish Provide Healthy Oils

Fish that are rich in omega-3 fatty acids should be part of a healthy skin diet. “Omega-3s are a great source of oil for the skin without clogging the pores,” says Kaufman-Janette, clarifying that omega-3s must be eaten or taken as supplements. Many people try to cut all fats from their diet, but without some fat, your skin may suffer. Omega-3 fatty acids are considered healthy fats, and a diet that is too low in healthy fats can lead to “dull, dry skin,” she warns

These nuts are one of the best food sources of vitamin E. Eat whole almonds as a snack or add sliced almonds to salads, cereal, yogurt, stir–fry or baked goods. You can also toast almond slivers and serve them on top of fish, chicken, or even rice or pasta dishes. The vitamin E in almonds can help nourish your skin and protect it from the sun's damaging UV rays. Just be sure to eat them in moderation, since almonds and other nuts are calorie–dense.

Water Hydrates Your Skin

“There are molecules in the skin that actually bind water,” explains Kaufman-Janette. “Your skin will not be as plump if you are dehydrated.” Skin also becomes dry when it loses too much water, so you need to drink plenty of liquids to replace daily water loss. Water is also a good alternative to sugary beverages that could negatively affect your skin by causing insulin levels to rise and fall dramatically

Whole Grain Pastas and Breads
Another skin–friendly antioxidant is the mineral selenium, which is found in whole grain pastas and breads. Selenium helps protect your skin against environmental damage and promotes elasticity and general skin health. High–dose selenium supplements have been linked to health problems, so it's always best to get your selenium from delicious food sources.

Green Tea Helps Skin and Overall Health

Green tea has two benefits for your skin: It contains antioxidants, which may fight the effects of aging, and drinking it is a good way to stay hydrated. When given the option, choose green tea over beverages that don’t promote skin health. This is one of Kaufman-Janette’s recommended strategies for healthy skin — and overall health. She says, “If you can substitute a good choice at every single meal for a bad choice, you’ll start to look and feel healthier

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